Hi, (it’s Christine).
I AM WRITING TO YOU, OUR BELOVED LIBERATION COMMUNITY, with a heart that is heavy but a mind that is light and clear and filled with hope for the future. As you most likely know, Liberation has been struggling for the past few years in an unprecedented way. It has been a series of three "hits" or uprootings that have been too much to course correct.
The first was the move from our deeply rooted, highly regarded and well loved space at 124 S. La Brea Ave. The second was, only 9 months later and was the global pandemic. It came after a fast and massive redesign of our new and magical location at 1288 S. La Brea Ave., and after working tirelessly to help everyone get reorganized and regain our momentum. We paid full rent and expenses all the way through and lost 70% of our income, 50% of our teachers and many of our students. It has been a crushing avalanche to crawl out from. We recognize that we all lost and suffered much and we have been so glad to be a lighthouse for those who maintained their practice and connection to us in various ways.
Then, the third and most personal. Our 12 yr old daughter, Clementine, became very ill and we spent two months in the hospital only to emerge and lose our beloved Gary three weeks later. A devastating turn of events for us and a great loss for the Liberation community and beyond. Your loving kindness and tremendous support have been a saving grace for Clem and I, and allowed Liberation to continue during a chaotic and difficult time. Despite constant efforts, balancing grief, responsibilities to the studio teachers and community, and generating the effort required to turn the tide after a series of seismic events, it has become clear that the physical space of Liberation—after nearly twenty years—will close its doors this fall.
Our lease is up, the building is changing, the financial pressure is not sustainable any longer, and the attendance too low. To those who have stayed the course and been held up by your practice with us—thank you! It's been a gift each day to serve you up the miracle that is yoga. For those who have started to inch your way back—don't worry—we will be there in other ways. For those who just found Liberation—I am ever so sorry that the timing couldn't be better but it's the yoga that matters so stay with it and us, however you can. But, change is in the air. New chapters and new discoveries await us all.
Brick and mortar family business has always been a passion of ours. Creating communal gathering space that supports the individual and the whole has been our dharmic path and greatest blessing and honor. Gary and I first did so as we managed The Center For Yoga, created and curated Salvation Theater, and then our beloved Liberation Yoga. The light that has been generated in these spaces fueled our drive, love and passion to share life with you in a deeply personal and vivid way. Yoga has been a lifestyle, a tonic, a cure and a celebration for us and to hold space for such a huge group of teachers and students through the years has been a remarkable gift.
A family business—and you are our family—always.
This decision did not come lightly but rather like a tree unwilling to release its leaves in fall and with much pushing against the flow of the river, and a bounty of mental, emotional and spiritual wrestling I emerged with clarity. We must all lead each other with example. Gary and I created Liberation to literally liberate ourselves AND others. I must follow that path we have traveled together now. So much of the yoga happens in the letting go and so much of the practice is the preparation for the courage to imagine new frontiers. And to see the natural, organic beauty in the endings—even as they break our hearts.
The appreciation and gratitude that I feel on behalf of Gary, Clementine and I for your time on our floors, mats, bolsters and blocks is beyond words. Even though circumstances led to not seeing many of you for a long time, you never left our hearts and never will. I hope you found peace, safety, excitement, acceptance at Liberation. I hope you learned how strong you are and that you could be flexible in more ways than one. I hope you carry fond memories and epic moments with you and pull them out and cherish them from time to time. I hope you stay in touch and keep practicing with your favorite teachers in other ways.
Finding peace within yourself—this is a lifelong practice and along the way we find others doing the same and we support each other with space and kindness, and care.
The Brass Tacks:
What happens next?
The studio remains open through October 27th. After that any left over classes will remain for you to use with the zoom classes that are available at that time. My schedule will remain as is and the teachers who can teach via zoom will continue through the end of the year. Stay tuned for more on that.
There will be a Celebration of Liberation at the studio on October 8th at 7pm.
More news on that to come.
I will continue to offer my classes on zoom, pop up workshops in nature locations, retreats and teacher training under the banner of Liberation Yoga. There will be collaborations with our teachers and new ways to stay in your light with us. Please stay connected via the newsletter and social media. We will continue to light your way and grow with you so please stay on the newsletter for up to date information.
For Now:
Come to class! Be in the space! Or on zoom.
One of the best things about Liberation - the parties!
Liberation Yoga is an award winning family owned and operated studio since 2004. We welcome everyone from beginners to seasoned yogis and we are so happy you want to practice with us! For brand new students we currently have two easy ways to get a taste of Liberation-
FIRST CLASS FREE on Zoom or In Studio OR
INTRO MONTH $45 — for basically the price of 2 classes
Try us out for a month of unlimited! Just "Book Now" and choose your favorite option!

for 2020 by The Spiritual
Book Awards
Now Available: Christine Burke’s Newest Book, The Power of Breath and Hand Yoga!
Get your copy of Christine’s newest book, The Power of Breath and Yoga: Pranayama and Mudras for Health and Wellbeing.
Buy on Amazon
“…To begin, you will want to read this book from cover to cover, and then to keep it handy as it is an excellent reference guide. Christine’s artistry as a yoga teacher is evident on every page. She takes us on a journey using creative language to describe breath practices and mudras (“Yoga for the Hands”).
She’ll convince you that learning how to breathe effectively and incorporating mudras in your practice can help you experience support for coping with and addressing illnesses, health concerns, and even life’s stresses. I am reticent to admit that before reading this, I was not aware of the numerous ways to access pranayama and mudra. I appreciate how Christine, through this book, created a safe space for me to be a student again.
Christine’s voice, enthusiasm, and knowledge here is contagious. When reading these pages, you’ll feel as though you are practicing with her. It will be a fun, uplifting, healing, and even powerful practice with Christine as your guide.”
Review by Kathleen Ross-Allee, C-IAYT, LMU Yoga Therapy Rx Managing Director
Available for purchase on Amazon and at Liberation Yoga.